2nd IOAM Webinar
Complexity in International Research: Methodological Challenges and Opportunities
International business (IB) research is designed to explore and explain the inherent complexity of international business, which arises from the multiplicity of entities, multiplexity of interactions, and dynamism of the global economic system. To analyze this complexity, IB scholars have developed four research lenses: Difference, Distance, Diversity, and Disparity. These four lenses on complexity have created not only unique research opportunities for IB scholarship but also unique research methodological challenges. We therefore view complexity as the underlying cause of the unique methodological challenges facing international business research. We offer several recommendations to help IB scholars embrace this complexity and conduct reliable, interesting, and practically relevant research. The webinar is based on Eden and Nielsen’s recent article, “Research Methods in International Business: The Challenge of Complexity” (JIBS, 2020).
Meeting date, time, and registration information:
The webinar will take place via Zoom on the 1st of February at 07.00 (MT) / 08.00 (CST) / 09.00 (EST) / 15.00 (CET). This webinar is scheduled for 90 minutes (including Q&A).
To register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Our speakers:
Lorraine Eden is Professor Emerita of Management and Research Professor of Law at Texas A&M University. A pioneering scholar in transfer pricing economics, with more than 200 scholarly publications, her current research focuses on transfer pricing policies and strategies of MNEs in the digital economy. Dr. Eden has been editor-in-chief of the Journal of International Business Studies, president of the Academy of International Business (AIB), and currently dean of the AIB Fellows. She founded and ran the Transfer Pricing Aggies program at Texas A&M from 2007 to 2019. She maintains a website at voxprof.com and can be reached at [email protected].
Bo Nielsen is Professor of Business Strategy at University of Sydney and Adjunct Professor at Copenhagen Business School. His research is at the intersection of strategy, international business and economic geography, focusing on multilevel issues pertaining to collaboration, firm internationalization, and strategic decision-making across borders. He serves as Consulting Editor, JIBS and is co-founder of the Research Methods SIG under the auspices of the AIB. Professor Nielsen has published more than 50 articles in peer-reviewed journals.
Eden and Nielsen recently co-edited a book with Alain Verbeke, “Research Methods in International Business”, which is available at Palgrave Macmillan https://www.palgrave.com/gp/book/9783030221126.