Luiz F. Mesquita

Vice President

Luiz Mequita is an associate professor of management in the W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. He joined ASU in 2003. His prior academic appointments include positions with Austral University and Purdue University. He has also served as project director for International Business Development, Deere & Company, was a commercial coordinator for Valmet, Inc., and a consultant with Booz Allen & Hamilton and the Inter Amercian Development Bank. Professor Mequita's research interests are in the area of competitive and cooperative coordination among firms. Under this broad umbrella, he has examined the performance implications related to how parties (either dyadic as in alliances, or multi-party as in geographical clusters) leverage governance mechanisms to coordinate the investments in as well as the use of shared resources. He serves on the editorial board of the Academy of Management Journal; Strategic Management Journal; Academy of Management Learning and Education; Journal of Management; and Journal of Management Studies.

Arizona State University

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